We’re on our way to Nash Yarn Fest! πŸš—πŸ’¨ Orders placed now will be shipped after we return on March 18th. Thanks for your patience! Free shipping for US orders $100+

NYC Trip

At the beginning of July I took a trip to NYC to attend Emily Soto's Fashion Photography workshop. Here is a great video that David Geffen did on the photo shoot day--I am the old Asian lady with the glasses. I was only non-professional photographer in the class, but everyone was so nice and tolerant of me. I learned so much about photography and photo shoots that I will be using in future collections.IMG_1929 I got a chance to visit the beautiful Purl Soho store for the first time. I am a frequenter of the warehouse since it is in my neighborhood. IMG_1899IMG_1900 I also got a chance to take a scenic train ride up the Hudson River to visit my friend and fellow designer Toby Roxane in beautiful upstate NY. Here we are at her LYS The Perfect Blend Yarn & Tea Shop with the lovely owner Mary. I was there on the 4th of July and got to see a really charming small-town parade right in front of her house. IMG_1916

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