New Book Release! D-T-I Knitted Boot Cuffs & Leg Warmers

My new book Dress-to-Impress Knitted Boot Cuffs & Leg Warmers is now available on Amazon.
You may be asking yourself, "Why boot cuffs?" The idea started because I wanted a little something decorative to pop out of the top of my boots--not way out, just a few inches to segue between boots and legs or pants.
The book is broken into sections. Tall boot liners are tapered so they hug your leg and do not bag around the ankle which enables you to wear them with snug-fitting taller boots.

Short boot liners have no shaping; they're basically a knitted tube designed to be worn with shorter boots--from booties to mid-calf height. The short liner is probably the most flexible and easy-to-knit design because it can also be adapted to wear cuff-style with taller boots--just make sure the circumference fits the widest part of your calf.

To round out the collection, there are welly warmers, designed to be worn with the cuff folded over the top of a boot, and leg warmers--hopefully no explanation needed.

So how about a book give-away (and maybe some other goodies too)? Leave a comment on this post about your favorite boots. Winner will be selected from comments posted between now and September 10th by a random picker. Please either include your email in your post or check back on September 14th when I'll announce the winner.
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